Management of Regulations, Policies, and Procedures


Regulatory compliance

The regulations, policies and procedures management component lets you know the degree of coverage that the awareness-raising actions carried out through SMARTFENSE provide on the internal and external regulations that your organization must comply with.

Gestión de normativas

¿Qué beneficios brinda este componente?

Ícono con un check

Allows to know and demonstrate in a simple way the compliance


Provides detailed evidence of the awareness actions carried out.


It offers clear reports for each regulation and for each user.

mapeo de contenidos

Mapeo de contenidos

All content provided by SMARTFENSE is mapped to specific clauses of regulations such as GDPR, ISO/IEC 27001 and the NIS 2 directive, among others.

This mapping allows you to know in a simple and clear way the degree of compliance that your organization is developing with each awareness action.


ISO/IEC 27001

Provides a framework for establishing, implementing and maintaining an information security management system.

protección usuarios


It protects individuals in the processing of their personal data and the free movement of such data.

union europea

NIS 2 Directive

This directive seeks to establish a common level of cybersecurity in the Member States of the European Union.

Customized regulations, policies and procedures

Each organization can add new policies to those already provided by the platform. It can also upload its own policies and procedures.

Once this is done, you can easily map the clauses of the loaded regulations with the customized contents.

In this way, each time a user completes a piece of content, there will be certainty as to which specific clause compliance has been provided.

The management of regulations, policies and procedures component provides different reports that allow to understand the percentage of coverage against each regulation and demonstrate compliance.

The image represents a graphic with compliance data

Report by users

This report shows the percentage of coverage of each user of the organization for each regulation managed. In addition, it allows to know in detail the actions that each user performed to obtain the degree of coverage reported.

In this way, in the face of an internal or external audit, it is really easy to demonstrate whether a user has been informed and/or evaluated with respect to a given regulation, and whether the awareness requirements of the regulation have been met.

It is important to note that 100% coverage does not mean that your organization is compliant with a certain regulation. What it does mean is that the user has interacted with all the content on the platform related to the regulation in question.

Reporting by regulation

This report allows you to clearly see the mapping between regulations and content. At a glance, you can see what content contributes to compliance with each regulation, policy and procedure.

With this comprehensive information, you can determine which campaigns are necessary to comply with each regulation and make informed decisions for the management of the awareness program.
In addition, this report allows you to define new content to be developed to improve compliance with a particular regulation. For example, you can easily see if a certain clause of an internal procedure is not yet associated with any content.

The image represents a list of contents that contribute to security compliance.

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More information about SMARTFENSE in the following sections:

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All the tools you need to carry out your awareness program.

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