Notas de publicação

Changelog SMARTFENSE – version 1

June 16th, 2018

New Features

Sample delivery in Phishing and Ransomware simulations

It was added the possibility for the administrator to create Phishing and Ransomware campaigns which are sent to a sample taken from the total number of users selected as recipients of the campaign.

A sample is a statistical concept that represents a subset, which is representative of a total set. The way in which SMARTFENSE platform takes the samples is by using a randomness algorithm.

This option can be activated within “Advanced” section, which is within the creation of Phishing and Ransomware campaigns and it is only necessary to enter the size in percentage of the sample to be taken.

Exams with questions in random order

It was added the possibility for the administrator to create exam campaigns whose questions are shown in a random order to each recipient user.

This option can be activated within “Advanced” section, which is within the creation of Exam campaigns.


  • It was optimized the way in which test emails of Newsletter, Phishing, Ransomware and Teachable Moments contents are sent. This optimization provides greater robustness to the delivery of the mentioned emails and decreases the probability of errors.


  • It was solved a problem in the training and awareness program view that prevented the correct visualization of the user detail to which a campaign had been sent when it had been scheduled by selecting individual users as recipients (instead of groups).
  • It was solved a problem that prevented the correct visualization of error views corresponding to errors 403, 404 and 500 of SMARTFENSE platform.

May 28th, 2018

New Features

Group creation based on user interactions

It was added the possibility for the administrator to create groups whose users are those who interacted in a specific way with a particular campaign.

This means that with a single button it is possible to create groups with all the users who clicked on a simulated Phishing link, opened the simulated Ransomware attachment, answered incorrectly a Newsletter question, etc.

The way to create this type of groups is by entering the details of a specific campaign and clicking on the “Create group” button that is to the right of each one of the possible interactions of the user with the campaign.


  • It was added a new section in the sidebar of the administration interface called “Predefined content.” Within this section, the predefined content catalog of the SMARTFENSE platform can be seen.
  • It was added a new button to HTML editors that are used to create customized content of Newsletters, Phishing and Ransomware. This button allows to upload and use an image or video within the editor, and replaces the previous button, which meant greater complexity for the administrator user.


  • It was corrected an inconsistency in the validation of customized content names. It allowed in certain cases to create different contents with the same name, which then caused problems when creating translations in different languages.
  • It was corrected a problem that prevented users from modifying their password from their profile.

May 19th, 2018

New Features

Customized name for Ransomware simulation files

It was added the possibility for the administrator to customize the name of the Ransomware files that are sent as an attachment or through a download link in the platform’s Ransomware simulation traps.

This customization can be performed either by creating a new Ransomware content customized from scratch, or it is possible to customize the name of the files of predefined Ransomware contents if the administrator creates their own version of it from template and customizing that name.


  • It was added, within administrative audit records, a new record corresponding to the modification of reminder settings, which is within “Settings > Reminders.”


  • It was corrected an inconsistency in the progress bar that is displayed in SMARTFENSE program in those Phishing and Ransomware campaigns whose status is “In progress” and their delivery mode is “Random”. This inconsistency caused the progress displayed not to match the actual percentage of sent mails.
  • It was corrected a problem with user import through Microsoft Azure AD. This problem caused all data belonging to each user to be imported, except for their UPN which is necessary in many organizations for a correct authentication.
  • It was corrected an inconsistency in the language in which certain fields of the creation of Phishing and Ransomware contents were shown to the administrator user. They were shown in English regardless of the language in which the administrator was watching the rest of the platform.
  • It was corrected a problem that occurred when entering the “Past events” view, which is within Campaign audit records. This problem caused an error message on the screen when trying to filter the aforementioned view without using limits in the start date and date filter end.

May 7th, 2018

New Features

URL customization in Phishing and Ransomware simulations

It was added the possibility for the administrator to be able to select the hostname and domain that will be part of the URL of their Phishing and Ransomware simulations.

This selection is made when creating a campaign in “Advanced” section. This means that each campaign can have its own customized URL independently of the others.

Hostnames can be selected from a list of predefined hosts or they can be created by the administrator himself in “Settings > Hostnames” section.

Domains can also be selected from a list of predefined or customized domains. The latter cannot be added from the SMARTFENSE graphical interface, but the administrator should contact support for inclusion.

Filters in Reports

It was added the possibility for the administrator to customize reports corresponding to each type of campaign through the use of filters.

Available filters are filter by groups, by campaign topic/scenario and by date.

To access them, you must enter “Reports” section and once there, use the “See more details” button that is to the right of each type of campaign.


  • It was added a filter against malicious code injection to each of SMARTFENSE platform entries. The contents created with HTML5 text editor of the platform were excluded from this filter, which is used for the creation of customized contents so as not to restrict flexibility when designing these contents.
  • It was added a new status to all platform campaigns except for Newsletters, which is “In progress.” Now, campaign status can be:
    • Not started: The campaign was created and its start day has not arrived yet. It can be edited and deleted.
    • In progress: The start day of the campaign has arrived. While the campaign is in this status, it will send corresponding emails and will keep collecting statistics according to the interactions of users. From this status, you can access the campaign statistics and it can no longer be edited or deleted. Furthermore, when the campaigns in this status are displayed in the program, you can see a progress bar that indicates the number of emails that have been sent, and if applicable, a second bar that shows the account of welcome emails sent.
    • Finished: The campaign has reached its expiration day and no longer collects statistics.
    • Error in platform: There was an error that prevented the campaign from running correctly.
  • It was modified the way in which the SMARTFENSE program shows information. Now, campaigns are organized by columns according to the month in which they are planned, grouping by campaign type and ordering campaigns of each group according to their start day. The rows corresponding to each type of campaign were deleted for a more convenient visualization and it was added a single button from which you can access the creation of the different types of campaigns.
  • It was performed a minor modification in the way in which welcome emails are sent to end users. Now, first all welcome emails which correspond to be sent for each campaign are sent, and once these deliveries have finished, there is a pause of thirty seconds to start sending all the emails corresponding to the campaign itself.
  • It was added a load animation to all the interactions that a user performs within an interactive module. In this way, if there is a delay in the response of the server for any reason, the user will find out about this situation and will know that they have to wait in order to perform their next interaction.
  • It was modified the position of the “Users” field within the creation of campaigns to place it within “Advanced” section.
  • It was added new information in audit view called “Campaign list” corresponding to each one of the types of past campaigns. This information contains aggregated data about users’ interactions with the totality of sent campaigns to each type and is placed the title “General view.” The table of past campaigns that was previously shown in the current view can still be viewed under general view, in title “View by campaigns.”
  • It was unified the way in which date filters are shown in Reports and Audit sections in order to offer the administrator user a more intuitive and simple interface.
  • It was modified the text shown in administrative audit records corresponding to the changes in “User profile” settings so that the configured setting is simpler to understand.
  • Several changes were made to the interactive module viewer in order to provide a better view of them regardless of the screen resolution in which they are visualized.


  • It was solved a problem that occurred when trying to import users from a CSV file using Windows 7. This problem caused the language of each user (that is at the end of each line of CSV) to be incorrectly recognized due to the way in which the end of each line was encoded within the file.
  • It was solved a problem that arose when trying to create a customized Interactive Module from template. This problem prevented the correct creation of the module and occurred if the module to be created had a drag-and-drop activity within its content.
  • It was solved a problem that arose when trying to create a customized Exam from template. This problem prevented the correct creation of the module and occurred due to an inconsistency in the handling of the ASCII encoding of the content you wanted to create.
  • It was solved a problem in the administrator user interface, specifically in the training and awareness program, which showed incomplete information of the campaigns planned in months following to the current one.
  • It was solved a problem with export of audit records in Exam campaigns. It caused certain export tables to not successfully conclude.
  • It was solved an inconsistency with email served settings. When the administrator set a maximum number of emails per minute for their own email server, this limitation also affected the SMARTFENSE server for that specific instance.
  • It was corrected a problem that arose when trying to create a Phishing or Ransomware simulation campaigns with random delivery. This problem prevented to correctly save the campaign because it did not correctly validate its start day.
  • It was corrected an interface problem that was in the audit table called “Past events.” This problem showed some parts of the table without its corresponding cells.

April 16th, 2018

New Features

Teachable Moments

It was added the possibility for the administrator to add Teachable Moments to their Phishing and Ransomware Simulation campaigns.

A Teachable Moment is awareness content shown only to those users who perform a specific action in a simulation context, such as entering data in a Phishing Simulation form. The Teachable Moment is instantly shown to the user when performing a configured action or is sent subsequently by email.

This new functionality can be activated in “Advanced” section that is in the Phishing and Ransomware campaign creation screen. The content of Teachable Moments is 100% customizable from “Customized Section > Teachable Moments” section.

More information


  • It was added a new section in “Settings” called “User Profile” that allows to set which fields of their profile the user can edit and which ones are read-only.
  • It was removed the option to create, modify and recover password for end users when the option of configured authentication in “Users and Groups > Authentication” is different from the one “From SMARTFENSE platform”


  • It was solved an inconsistency that showed, within end user interface, components that they did not have permission to use. This caused the user being redirected to the login screen when clicking on these components.

March 19th, 2018

New Features

Welcome Email Edition

It was added the possibility for the administrator to customize the welcome email that SMARTFENSE platform sends to new users.

This email can now be edited in the different languages supported by the platform and contain variables for further customization.

This new feature can be found in “Settings > Welcome Email” section.


  • It was added the possibility of importing and filtering groups from Microsoft Azure AD. In this way, only groups of interest for the training and awareness program will be imported. This filter is configured in “Users and groups > Import and Synchronization” section by choosing the option “From Microsoft Azure Active Directory”.


  • It was corrected a problem related to the configuration of an own email server with delivery limit. If after setting this configuration SMARTFENSE email server was used again, this limit continued to restrict the delivery.
  • It was corrected a problem that occurred when playing an Interactive Module in Internet Explorer 10. This problem allowed the end user to click on disabled buttons, which then caused inconsistencies when playing the module.

March 5th, 2018

New Features


It is already available in the platform the possibility of sending exam campaigns with both predefined and customized content.

This customized content can be created and edited from “Customized content > Exams” section. As it happens with all content of SMARTFENSE, it is possible to create exams from scratch or from a predefined exam.

Campaign scheduling is made from SMARTFENSE program in the same way that it is done with the other types of campaigns.


  • Improvements were made in the platform interface both for the end user and the administrator user so that it is correctly visualized in Internet Explorer 10 browsers.
  • It was added the possibility of specifying the language of users to be imported through a CSV file by adding a new optional column in that file in which the language code corresponding to each user is specified.
  • It was added the possibility of assigning languages to users in bulk. The way to do it is by selecting the desired users in “Users and groups > Users” section and then pressing the “Assign Languages” button located at the top of the user table.


  • It was corrected a problem that caused inconsistencies in the delivery of campaigns in new SMARTFENSE’s instances configured by default, that is to say, whose configuration had not been modified by the administrator user.
  • It was corrected a problem that occurred when using the function of assigning groups to users, located in “Users and groups > Users” section. This problem occurred when the operation was confirmed without having previously selected any group to assign.
  • It was corrected a problem that happened when trying to see the detail of a user import operation in “Audit > Management” section.
  • It was corrected a problem that occurred when trying to export users belonging to a group, which generated an indefinite wait within the export process, and therefore, the impossibility of specifying the operation.

February 13rd, 2018

New Features

Automatic delivery of reminders

It was added the possibility for the administrator to configure the automatic delivery of reminders to their users.

Reminders are sent to those users who have not yet completed their assigned campaigns. They are sent for each campaign half of its duration and the day before its expiration.

This new feature can be activated in “Settings > Reminders” section.


  • Compatibility of SMARTFENSE platform with Internet Explorer 10 or later was added.
  • It was added the possibility of filtering by groups within the detail of a finished campaign. This provides a different visualization approach in the statistics of each campaign, allowing to easily ungroup their indicators according to the groups to which it was sent.
  • It was added the possibility of creating SMARTFENSE platform content translations in a new language: Spanish – Spain.
  • It was added the possibility of establishing a maximum number of emails per minute that SMARTFENSE platform will send for each campaign when configuring the use of an own email server.
  • Several improvements were made in administrative and campaign audit section, designed to provide more information about each type of registered campaign.
  • It was improved the group export process, allowing now to export all the groups of the platform in a single file. Previously, only visible groups on each page were exported.


  • It was solved a problem that impeded to log in through authentication by Microsoft Azure AD in Internet Explorer browser.

January 25th, 2018

New Features

Delivery of campaigns per user

It was added the possibility for the administrator to create Interactive Module, Phishing and Ransomware campaigns per user.

In this way, greater flexibility is achieved when creating a campaign, and therefore, it allows the creation of a customized awareness program without any limitation.

To do so, simply select the desired users when creating the corresponding campaign.

Delivery of campaigns with customized URL

It was added the possibility for the administrator to edit the login link to enter the Interactive Module that the end user receives by email when assigned to a campaign of this type.

This can be useful if the administrator wants the end user to not enter directly to the SMARTFENSE platform but to enter before to an intermediate platform of their organization.

This option is configured when creating a new Interactive Modules campaign, within the “Advanced” section.


  • It was modified the text in the button to enter the platform shown to end users. Now, it always says “Enter” regardless of the means of authentication that has configured, so as not to show technical terms to the end user.
  • It was added a new section within “Settings” section, called “Welcome email.” In this section, it can be configured globally whether the platform will send welcome emails to new end users or not.
  • The way in which Phishing and Ransomware campaigns behave was modified. Now, a user can only be assigned once to a specific scenario and they cannot be assigned to it again until the first campaign that assigned them expires. The advantage of this is that if a user finds multiple groups, even if the campaign is configured to be sent to all groups where the user is, the user receives the campaign email only once, instead of receiving a mail for each group in which they are, as previously happened.
  • A standardization was made in the way in which reports and audit data are shown, so that the terminology used is consistent throughout the platform.
  • The truncation of those cells in the audit section that may contain too many characters was performed. In this way, a more detailed view is obtained while still providing the 100% of the information, which can still be seen through a button in case of interest.


  • It was corrected a problem that occurred when canceling user import through remote CSV method. This problem impeded the import to be canceled correctly.
  • It was corrected an inconsistency in the default start date shown in the creation of Newsletter campaigns. The correct date by default is the day on which the campaign is being created, and this inconsistency caused a subsequent date to be shown.

January 3rd, 2018

New Features

Edition of users that belong to a group

It was added the possibility for the administrator to edit users that belong to a specific group.

This can be done by clicking on the group to edit in “Users and groups > Groups” and then, in the “Edit group users” button.

In this way, it is obtained a simpler and more direct view about which users belong to each group in particular, and their edition is possible in a more intuitive way.

Campaign delivery without notifications

It was added the possibility for the administrator to create Interactive Modules campaigns configured to not send any type of notification to their users.

This setting can be useful for those organizations that wish to notify their users through a means different from the SMARTFENSE’s own notifications.

This new feature is in the “Advanced” section in the creation of a new Interactive Modules campaign.


  • The SMARTFENSE’s platform interface corresponding to the end user has been translated into the English language, as well as all the notifications that they receive from this to their email. This, in addition to the possibility of translating contents, launched in the previous version, leaves the platform 100% prepared for end users who master the English or Spanish language.
  • It was improved the mechanism to determine that an attached Ransomware of HTML type is considered “attached Ransomware open”. Previously, this statistics was not taken when the Ransomware was seen in Gmail in its preview mode, since the Javascript code in charge of taking it was voided.
  • It was improved the pagination of the Groups table that is found in “Users and groups > Groups” through the use of Ajax. In this way, the performance of this section remains constant regardless of the number of groups loaded in the platform.
  • It was improved the users import process through Google. Now, it imports the user’s language, whereas previously all users were imported with Spanish language by default.
  • It was added the possibility of using a new variable within Phishing and Ransomware emails, which corresponds to the email of the user who will receive the simulation.
  • It was added, within user’s edition, the value of their User Principal Name (UPN) when the administrator has configured Azure AD as a means of authentication or import and users synchronization.
  • It was made the truncation of the groups to which a user belongs within the table of “Users and groups > Users” section. In this way, a more detailed view of the users table is obtained, and it is allowed to see the groups’ details of only those users that are of particular interest.

December 18th, 2017

New Features

Debug groups

It was added the possibility for the administrator to perform an auto cleanup of those platform groups that do not have users and do not register activity in it.

This action can be performed through the button “Debug groups” that is in section “Users and groups > Groups.”

In this way, the manager can perform a task that before was laborious easily and automatically, and keep the platform tidy.


  • It was improved the groups assignment process for users through the button “Assign groups” that is in “Users and groups > Users”. Now, it has two options that allow you to choose if the selected users will keep their groups before the assignment or if they will be overwritten with new selected groups.
  • It was improved the way in which reading validation questions of Newsletters behave when creating a translation. Previously, the translation of the Newsletter showed empty fields corresponding to validation questions, whereas now it shows original values to facilitate its translation.
  • It was improved error handling when connection to the mail server fails when trying to send a test. Previously, the user did not receive any error message and kept waiting and answer indefinitely. Now, the user is properly informed with the corresponding error message.


  • It was corrected a problem in users table located in “Users and groups > Users” section. This impeded selecting users in multiple pages of the table. Now, it is possible to go through all pages of that table and select users without any problem, and then apply bulk actions to all of them.
  • It was corrected a problem in user import through Google that caused an import maximum of 100 users regardless of the total amount that was in Google. Now, it is possible to import all users without problems.

November 27th, 2017

New Features

Customized content in multiple languages

It was added the possibility for creating and editing translations of all types of customized contents created in the platform.

This new feature is accompanied by the possibility of setting the language of each user in the platform.

For the administrator user, the change is practically transparent. Once a translation of a content has been created, each user will receive it in the corresponding language according to their profile.

This new feature opens new doors to organizations that use SMARTFENSE since it allows users that use different languages to be administrated in a very simple and transparent way.

Delivery of Newsletters campaigns per user

It was added the possibility for sending Newsletters campaigns to individuals.

Previously, it was only possible to select user groups as recipient of this type of campaign. Now, it is also possible to select individuals from the same campaign creation interface of Newsletters

By maintaining simplicity, it is provided greater flexibility in Newsletters campaigns which still maintain all their previous features, and the integration with the reports, statistics and audits are transparent for the user.

User import from Google

It was added the possibility for importing users to the SMARTFENSE platform from Google Suite.

This option is added to existing import options: Manual import by CSV file, import by remote CSV file via SFTP and import by Microsoft Azure AD.


  • It was added a distinction between groups created manually by an administrator user and those created automatically by an import process. Manually created groups will not be overwritten in user import processes; that is to say, if an user belongs to a group created manually, they can only be manually removed from it.
  • Phishing y Ransomware campaigns with random delivery now show in detail which days, within the range of selected dates, will be sent the corresponding emails.
  • It was increased the level of detail registered in administrative audit related to creation, modification and elimination of campaigns.
  • It was modified the welcome email that end user receives when the authentication option is different from SMARTFENSE’s own authentication. The new welcome email has a direct link to the platform and not to the creation of a new password, as it is no longer necessary.
  • It was modified the guideline that determines the end of an interactive module by an user. Previously, an interactive module was considered finished only when the user clicked the “Finish” button located in the last slide of each module. Now, just by reaching the last slide, the interactive module is considered finished.
  • It was added the possibility for the administrator to be able to authenticate in the platform both with their SMARTFENSE credentials and with the alternative authentication method that they have configured.
  • It was added the possibility, at the time of creating a campaign, of being able to select the minutes in addition to the date and time in which it will be sent and in which it will expired.
  • It was modified the behavior of users export to Excel and CSV. Now, it exports all users and not only those visible on the page.
  • It was improved error handling in import by CSV file to provide the administrator with more descriptive error and success messages.
  • It was modified the authentication configuration instructions through Google to make it more complete and simple to follow.
  • It was modified the way in which tests of Phishing campaigns are sent so that they allow or not entering the Password according to the configuration of the campaign in question.
  • It was modified the settings of Interactive Modules to make it simpler to understand.
  • In the “Settings” menu, the name of the submenu “Account” was changed to “Private label.”
  • It was improved the process of Interactive Modules creation from template to increase its resilience.
  • It was improved the users authentication process through Microsoft Azure AD to include the special case of users whose email and UPN (User Principal Name) are not the same.


  • It was corrected the configuration of own email server that worked with certain email servers and impeded the correct delivery of campaigns.
  • It was corrected a problem that impeded the correct visualization of campaign creation or modification detail within its history.
  • It was corrected an inconsistency in campaigns edition. When entering to edit a campaign, the expiration date displayed did not correspond to the one previously saved when creating the campaign.
  • It was corrected an inconsistency in the creation of customized Newsletters from template that impeded adding new validation questions to them.

October 25th, 2017

New Features

Authentication with Google

It was added the possibility for the administrator to authenticate their users by Google through OAuth.

This integration gives the administrator more flexibility when implementing SMARTFENSE in their organization in the way that best suits their needs. This new option can be found in “Users and Groups > Authentication” menu.

In addition to Microsoft Azure AD, Auth0 and SMARTFENSE’s own authentication, there are already four means by which an end user in the platform can be authenticated.


  • The screens of the “Settings” menu have been modified to make them simpler and at the same time more descriptive, so that each setting is understood correctly and there is no doubt about its effect.
  • It was modified and optimized the way in which users import returns error messages, making the error handling more efficient and their messages more descriptive.
  • Creation screens of customized contents have been modified to divide them between data that is visible only by the platform administrator and those who are seen by the end user in order to make the use of the platform more intuitive.


  • It was corrected a user import problem that placed a capital letter after a character with accent in the name or last name of the user to be imported.
  • It was corrected a problem detected with default value of expiration date in Interactive Modules campaigns. This consisted in that the expiration date set by default was incorrect and was not accepted as valid.

October 4th, 2017

New Features

Phishing simulation campaigns without entering complete data.

It was added the possibility for the administrator to create Phishing campaigns that have a specific feature in the data entry form of the target page. The “Password” field is disabled, and the form is sent automatically when starting to write in “User” field.

In this way, a user’s risk intention is captured when trying to fill a form with confidential information, but at the same time, it impedes accessing this. This can be useful to make the Phishing simulation acceptance easier within your organization.

This new feature can be activated in the “Advanced” section in the creation of a new Phishing simulation campaign.

Name and description of campaigns

It was added the possibility for the administrator to put name and description to their campaigns.

With this, a more tidy and descriptive program is achieved, which adapts to each administrator.

This new feature can be activated in the “Advanced” section in the creation of any type of campaign.


  • Several improvements were made in the drag-and-drop activity of Interactive Modules. These improvements aim to improve the usability and interface of this activity for both the administrator and the end user.

October 2nd, 2017

New Features

Integration with Auth0

Auth0 was added as new means of end users authentication to the SMARTFENSE platform.

This integration gives the administrator more flexibility when implementing SMARTFENSE in their organization in the way that best suits their needs. This new option can be found in “Users and Groups > Authentication” menu.

In addition to Microsoft Azure AD and SMARTFENSE’s own authentication, there are already three means by which an end user in the platform can be authenticated.

Automatic synchronization from remote CSV

It was added the possibility of automatic users synchronization to the SMARTFENSE platform through a CSV file hosted on a client’s server.

This file is accessed daily by SMARTFENSE through FTP protocol (via TLS), and from its content, it will create new users or upload existing ones.

In this way, it is provided a new means of users import for the administrator to choose the most convenient one for their organization. This new option, together with the other import options, can be found in “Users and groups > Import > Sync” menu.

Variables within Interactive Modules

It was added the possibility for the administrator to use variables in their Interactive Modules.

Through these variables, it is possible to refer to the name and last name of the user who is doing the interactive module, thus achieving greater personalization in awareness and training messages.

This also provides a better quality of communication with the end user and gives a sense of inclusion and responsibility greater than those who provide a generic message.


  • Setting screen was subdivided into three independent views and the section was made independent in the platform side menu. In this way, the interface has become clearer and the settings section easier to use.
  • The section name “Management” changed to “Users and Groups”. In this section, two new views were created, in addition to the existing ones: “Import and Sync” and “Authentication.” These new views make import, synchronization and authentication of users on SMARTFENSE platform clearer and more intuitive.
  • It was added the possibility of seeing months prior to the current one in the training and practice program of the platform. This allows a more comfortable visualization and provides the administrator easier access to statistics of a past campaign.


  • A problem with data export in audit section was corrected. In some cases, exported data did not correspond to the selected campaign. Now, the export process has been verified from the beginning to the end and the inconsistency have been eliminated.
  • It was solved a problem that impeded seeing a campaign preview in edit mode. Now, it is possible to see correctly the preview of any campaign, either in the creation or edition of it.
  • It was corrected a usability problem that showed the Drag-and-Drop component of Interactive Modules when used in Internet Explorer 11. Now, it is possible to use this component without problem, with an optimal user experience.
  • It was corrected a problem with percentages of statistics for campaign with random delivery in progress. This inconsistency was due to the fact that the number of emails sent at a certain moment was considered as 100% of emails, while there were still emails in queue to be sent.

September 19th, 2017

New Features

Videos within Interactive Modules

It was added the possibility for the administrator to add videos in their Interactive Modules.

These videos can be uploaded to the SMARTFENSE platform or referenced from foreign sites such as Youtube or Vimeo.

This new feature opens new doors to the creation of more attractive and pleasant Interactive Modules for SMARTFENSE end users.


  • Phishing and Ransomware simulation traps are now connected to domains with SSL certificate. In this way, SMARTFENSE platform adapts to the new reality of internet crime, which takes advantage of the use of this type of certificates to add reliability to their deceits.
  • It was added the section of administrative audit records within the Audit > Management menu. These records show all the actions performed by an administrator user within the platform.
  • It was improved the export of audit tables to allow all records in a specific be exported This saves the administrator time since previously they could only export visible data (up to 100 records).
  • It was added the possibility of adding the recipient user’s name and last name to the subject of Newsletters, Phishing y Ransomware emails. In this way, the administrator can create more customized emails and with a higher possibility of being opened.
  • It was added a new feature to user import through CSV file. Previously, when an user to import already existed in the platform, they were ignored in the import. Now, their data is updated, which allows a bulk modification of users though CSV file.


  • It was corrected a problem in Drag-and-Drop component of Interactive Modules that in specific cases caused problems with their usability and duplication of results.
  • It was corrected a problem in user import through CSV file. The problem occurred when the CSV file to be imported did not have the proper encoding. Now, the import through this means is more flexible and informative, and saves inconveniences to the administrator.

August 21st, 2017

New Features

Delivery of Phishing and Ransomware campaigns in random form

It was added the possibility for the administrator to create Phishing and Ransomware campaigns whose delivery is random.

Until now, these campaigns were sent to all users involved in it at once, in the selected day and hour as the start date of the campaign.

Now, with this new option, the delivery is made throughout the first half of the total range of days that the campaign lasts. If it lasts six days, then the delivery will be made in the first three days. The delivery time es between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., and weekends are excluded.

In this way, users involved in the campaign will receive the Phishing or Ransomware email at different times of their working day, avoiding that, for example, all users in the same office receive the same Phishing email at the same time.


  • It was added an option in settings section that allows to include in the statistics of a Interactive Modules campaign all users who have previously made the interactive module in question proactively (that is, when the administrator had not yet assigned it to them).
  • Javascript validations were added when choosing a date filter in the audit section. This allows a more comfortable and better experience for the platform administrator.
  • The platform was migrated from a case-sensitive schema to case-insensitive due to the repeated log in inconveniences of en users whose username had capital letters. Now, it is possible to log in in the platform by using any combination of capital and lowercase letters in the username.
  • It was added a “Preview” button in the editor of each one of the platform contents. This allows the platform administrator to save a great deal of time, allowing them to preview and edit contents from the same place.

August 3rd, 2017

New Features

Automatic welcome email

The administrator has been released from the responsibility of choosing when and how to send welcome emails to users created in the platform.

Now, the welcome email is sent automatically at the appropriate time, depending on whether the user is Administrator or End User.

In the case of Administrator Users, it is sent immediately when signing up.

In the case of End Users, the email is sent in the instant before sending the first campaign which requires the user to access the platform. In this way, the welcome email delivery is delayed until it is necessary, making the work of the platform administrator easier and saving valuable time.

Show or hide Interactive Modules not assigned to users

It was added a new option in settings section that allows the administrator to decide whether End Users will be able to see (and consequently, perform), the available Interactive Modules that are not assigned.

In this way, two possible ways are enabled: In one of them, the End Users will see only the modules that are assigned to them. They will stop seeing them when the corresponding campaigns finish. In the other one, they will see the assigned modules plus the other modules available in the platform, enabling the proactive performance of Interactive Modules not assigned.

In this way, the platform administrator is given greater freedom when carrying out their Awareness Plan, allowing them to select the form that best suits their needs and the Organization’s reality.


  • It was added a restriction for the end user when doing an interactive module. They will not be able to use the “Next” button without first having a wait of 3 seconds. This restriction occurs only the first time the user sees each slide. In this way, it is tried to discourage the performance of modules without thinking, and to encourage the users who decide to go back to a special module or slide.
  • A visual distinction was made in settings section of own email server. Now, it is easier to understand this setting and it can be clearly seen which data belong to the server and which ones to the email account to use.
  • It was included, within the user’s profile picture, their user name as read-only data. In this way, any user has a place in the platform where they can check their username.
  • It was added a visual alert for those users who enter the platform with an Internet Explorer version previous to the supported one. In this way, a user with an incompatible version of Internet Explorer will be able to know why they cannot use the platform and how to solve this problem.


  • It was corrected a direct reference to an insecure object which allowed a user to visualize an interactive module with another’s identity, changing the URL with which they accessed it.
  • It was corrected an inconsistency generated when trying to change a user’s password. Password change requires, in addition to the new password, the current one. If the current password was entered incorrectly, the user was directed to Log in screen. Now, If this password is incorrect, the user will be notified on the same screen.

June 26th, 2017

New Features

Creation of Customized Interactive Modules

It was added the possibility for the platform administrator to create customized Interactive Modules.

These modules can be created from scratch or they can be created from any of the predefined Interactive Modules already available in the platform.

In this way, the administrator can adapt the content of a predefined module to their organization or develop their own modules with the content that they want.

To access this new feature, just go to the side menu and in “Customized Content” section, you will find the “Interactive Modules” option.


  • The SMARTFENSE platform has been made compatible with Internet Explorer 11. This version will be the minimum version of Internet Explorer supported by the platform. In this way, all organizations that use Internet Explorer 11 or later as default browser of their users will be benefited.
  • It was simplified the process of creating Newsletters and Interactive Modules campaigns. Now, it is possible to create these campaigns in a single step and with a smaller amount of required data, allowing the platform administrator to save time and avoid errors or unexpected results.
    Furthermore, it was modified the interface design corresponding to the creation of Newsletters and Interactive Modules campaigns. This new design is based on the creation interface of Phishing and Ransomware campaigns. In this way, the administrator platform is provides with a homogeneous and more intuitive design which results in faster learning of its use.
  • It was added, to each date in audit records, the corresponding hour. In this way, the platform administrator is provided with greater accuracy on each of the given record.


  • It was corrected an inconsistency caused when creating a new Customized Newsletter from template. It impeded the use of the “Validate Newsletter reading” option in the Newsletter created. Now, it is possible to create a Customized Newsletter from template and use the validate Newsletter reading option without any problem.
  • It was corrected an inconsistency in users import. It did not show correctly the selected value in Management > Settings menu for the “Send notification to users when they are created in the platform” option. Now, when importing, the “Notify each user with and email” option is already selected by default according to the specified setting.

June 16th, 2017

New Features

Integration with Microsoft Azure AD

It was added the possibility for the administrator to synchronize their Azure AD users with SMARTFENSE platform.

In this way, it is possible for all users to authenticate in it using their Azure credentials, providing more comfort to them and the administrator, who also gains better control of their users and a relief in users management process in the platform.

To turn on this feature, the administrator must go to Management > Settings and enter the required fields there. In this section, you will also find a help guide to perform the synchronization successfully.

Assignment of multiple areas

It was added, in Management > Users section, the possibility of assigning areas to users in bulk.

This allows the administrator to save a great deal of time, since previously the areas assignment had to be performed individually by each user. Now, they can select more than one user and then choose the area or areas that they will assign to the chosen users.

New audit records

Two new sections were added within audit records corresponding to awareness campaigns.

Now, it is possible to see audit records for events planned in the future and also for those events that have been eliminated.

Moreover, all campaigns will incorporate the “Campaign History” which will allow to see all actions performed both by the platform administrator and the system on them.

This broadens to a great extent all audit records and provides the administrator a full record of everything that happens within the platform referred to awareness campaigns.


  • It was improved the interface design of date filter in Audit section. Now, it is more discreet and only shown in the case you want to modify it.
  • It was set an order by default for each table of Audit section. Now, they are organized based on the column that has more relevant information according to the feedback received by users of the platform.


  • It was corrected an error caused when creating any type of campaign with more than one recipient area. The campaign was not sent to all the chosen areas and inconsistencies occurred between what was planned and what actually happened. Now, the campaign plans for a particular area or for multiple areas will run exactly as they were planned.
  • It was modified the way of setting up an own email server. Previously, after setting up an own server, the email sender kept appearing as SMARTFENSE. Now, the email sender corresponds to the email account entered in the server setting of own email.
  • An inconsistency was corrected, caused in date filters corresponding to Audit section, improving their resilience. Previously, the administrator could select combinations of invalid dates that caused an error. Now, with the new validations on the client’s and server’s side, it is avoided the selection of invalid dates for the filter, which provides a better experience for the administrator.

May 31st, 2017

New Features

Private Label

It was added the possibility for the administrator to set up their own organization’s name and logo within the platform. These elements will be shown to the end user in replacement of SMARTFENSE’s name and logo.

This includes an entire end user interface and the notifications that they receive by email. In addition to this, the platform administrator interface and notifications will continue showing the elements of the SMARTFENSE brand.

To turn on this feature, it is necessary to load the organization’s name and logo in Management > Account section.

Reset password from management

It was added the possibility for the administrator to reset the password of any user.

Previously, the only option for recovering password was in Log in screen, and was intended for end user.

Now, the platform administrator will have greater control and convenience from the same view where they manage platform users, they can send an email to reset their password by only pushing a button.


  • It was improved the full process of users import through CSV aimed to improve navigability, give more granular and clear details of the import before and after confirming it and provide more precise error messages.
  • It was improved the elimination process and users deactivation, making it more intuitive and providing clearer and easier to understand error messages. Additionally, now it is not possible for an administrator user to remove another administrator user, and the platform users list can be filtered between active and inactive users.
  • It was added the possibility to see audit records corresponding to a particular campaign from the same program where they are created. Before, it was necessary to find these records by browsing the audit section. This improvement will save the administrator time and it will result in a better experience within the platform.
  • It was added a new filter within audit section which will allow the platform administrator to distinguish users according to the area in which they are more easily located.
  • It was added a new security control through which, when closing the browser, the session on the platform is closed. The running of this control will be subject to the browser setting in which it runs.


  • It was corrected an error caused when including special characters in fields of creation process of a user. The administrator did not receive any warning and when trying to save, they found this error. Now, it is possible to use special characters without problems during this process.
  • It was corrected an inconsistency in the creation of Phishing and Ransomware campaigns. This appeared when setting an expiration date for the campaign on a different day from its delivery day. Now, it is possible to choose any expiration date, within the allowed limits, without problems.
  • It was corrected an inconsistency in campaigns edition in general. It impeded a previously created campaign with predefined content from being edited and having customized content. Now, it is possible to make this type of edition with freedom and without problems.

May 22nd, 2017

New Features

Expiration date in Phishing and Ransomware campaigns

It was added the possibility of setting an expiration date when creating Phishing and Ransomware campaigns.

This provides the platform administrator greater control since it allows them to set specifically until which day these campaigns will be valid. Furthermore, it promotes the creation of more real campaigns since Phishing and Ransomware attacks are usually valid only for a specific period of time.

The addition of this new feature does not add complexity to campaigns creation, which still maintains its original simplicity and only requests as new data the campaign expiration date.


  • It was made an improvement in routines of email delivery of campaigns. This modification will allow the platform administrator to obtain better level of granularity in audit records related to emails delivery of all types of campaigns.
  • A Spinner was added for all those buttons on the platform that perform an asynchronous action with the server. In this way, the administrator certainly knows that the button has been turned on and the platform is working to return the corresponding result, and also avoids pushing several times the same button for having the feeling that it is not working.


  • It was corrected an inconsistency caused when deactivating a Phishing or Ransomware content. By doing so, users could still access it from the email link corresponding to the campaign. Now, when deactivating a content, it is not possible for the user to access it from any means.
  • It was corrected an error caused when trying to create a new Customized Newsletter without including in it the reading validation for questions. The administrator user could not save it, and was forced to put these questions to do so. Now, it is possible to create Newsletters without validation questions of reading without any problem.

April 26th, 2017

New Features

Campaign programming with date and time

It was added the possibility of choosing not only the date but also the time when programming any type of campaigns.

This provides the platform administrator greater control since it allows to distribute in time their campaigns according to the specific needs of their organization.

The addition of this new feature does not add complexity to campaign creation, which still maintains its original simplicity.


  • It was made an improvement in the tracking of internal errors that can occur in campaign programming, which will provide the client shorter time of response in the event of an error of this type occurs.
  • It was made an improvement in error detection of Javascript, which makes it possible to detect them more quickly. This results in a faster response time by the development team to solve this type of errors.


  • It was corrected an error that occurred when importing users through a CSV file whose content had special characters. This error impeded the import and it was necessary to modify the CSV file and remove these special characters. Its correction means a better experience for the platform administrator when performing this type of imports.
  • It was disabled part of the filtering that the rich text editor did when entering a source code in it. This allows the possibility of uploading direct content in source code and obtaining a reliable result without unexpected modifications in the result.

April 17th, 2017

New Features

Newsletter with Multiple Choice question

It was added the possibility of sending Newsletters with a multiple choice question at the end of them. In this way, on the one hand, and extra means of opening control of Newsletters is added. On the other hand, the user is encouraged to read the content of the Newsletter to answer correctly.

In addition to this, this new feature allows to test Newsletters assimilation, controlling within the corresponding reports the percentage of correct and incorrect answers of each campaign and being able to identify users of the highest risk within the associated audit records.


  • When creating a new campaign, it is no longer possible to select an invalid date, which improves users experience and saves time since previously, the selection of an invalid date was communicated once the campaign creation was confirmed, forcing the user to create it again.
  • It was automated the delivery of access to the platform so new clients will have access virtually without delay.


  • It was corrected an inconsistency caused when removing or editing a campaign.of any type Previously, the original campaign, despite being edited or removed, remained in memory and was sent together with the other valid campaigns.
  • It was corrected an error when creating a customized Ransomware campaign. This error was returned by the server because it did not recognize the customized approach as valid.