SMARTFENSE allows for extensive customization, as it is possible to tailor even the smallest detail to your organization’s needs. In a previous workshop entitled Customizations for the end-user view, we […]
SMARTFENSE allows for extensive customization, as it is possible to tailor even the smallest detail to your organization’s needs. In a previous workshop entitled Customizations for the end-user view, we […]
The objective of this workshop is to show the flexibility and customization that SMARTFENSE has to adapt to the diverse Look & Feel of our customers’ organizations. It shows in […]
In SMARTFENSE we have been working on something special: our new and improved website, designed to offer you a more attractive, informative and resourceful experience; It’s time to introduce you […]
Phishing simulations are used to measure the behavior of the users of our organization in the face of deceptions that could culminate in a leak of information or installation of […]
When faced with a security awareness program, it’s very common for security managers to ask the following question: What’s the best time for my users to view awareness and training content? While there […]
Good sense is the most evenly distributed thing in the world, for each person thinks they are so well supplied with it that even those who are hardest to please […]
About behavior change We often hear about “user awareness“, but what is it really?Much has already been said about users being the weakest link in an organization. This is the […]