OWASP Guide to Prevent RANSOMWARE Infections

The purpose of this guide is to provide information on various countermeasures that can be used to reduce the risk of potential ransomware infections or, if necessary, to try to reduce their impact by recovering the affected files.

First, it explains why malware is a growing and increasingly complex business. Then, a list of 22 procedures to avoid infections is described: backing up information, raising user awareness, applying a least privilege model, among many other security measures.

Finally, the methods for recovering encrypted information and the legal, criminal and civil liability aspects are described.


It is an internationally recognized non-profit organization that works to generate methodologies, documents, tools and technologies for free use.


This high-quality Spanish-language guide provides an understanding of how this revolutionary cybercrime works and how to defend yourself against it through useful, accurate and up-to-date information.


Desde SMARTFENSE, expresamos nuestro orgullo por formar parte del grupo de autores de esta guía y recomendamos fuertemente su lectura.


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